Porcelain, Ceramics (Latvia)

#23598 Tea service "Tauta", Porcelain, Riga porcelain-faience factory, the 30-50ties of 20th cent., Riga (Latvia)

The service is not complete

Teapot: height 15 cm

Sugar-bowl: height 12.7 cm

Cup: height  5.5 cm

Plate (4 pcs.): Ø 14.7 cm

Are minor small manufacturing defects, one plate have small chip, watch photos

The service is not complete

Teapot: height 15 cm

Sugar-bowl: height 12.7 cm

Cup: height  5.5 cm

Plate (4 pcs.): Ø 14.7 cm

Are minor small manufacturing defects, one plate have small chip, watch photos

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